
The fleet management software, which makes the car park administration easier

SeaFleet flottanyilvántartó program

  • You can forget the complicated Excel charts and queries
  • Deadline related automatic alerts
  • Built-in parameterizable reporting functions
  • Multilevel access control
  • Well-developed document management

We recommend SeaFleet fleet management software:

For recording the corporate vehiclesseafleet leasing cégeknek

The SeaFleet Corporate is an ideal choice for both large companies and small and medium sized enterprises. It makes no difference that the company has more thousands or just a few corporate vehicles, our fleet management software’ efficiency is the same. There are no more forgotten deadlines, unpaid parking fees or forgotten MOTs. Easy to use, user-friendly surface, modularity, scalability.

If only administration is necessaryseafleet adminisztrációhoz

If You do not need the SeaFleet software’ smart functions, if You would not like to trace processes and events, if You would like only to administrate your vehicles’ basic and master data, we have a solution as well! The SeaFleet Lite is a cost-effective solution in case of a smaller corporate fleet, it is the first step towards the professional fleet management.


More information about this product:

Go to Seafleet.hu/en website