Title: Smart WAter Management system for better environmental sustainability
Project start date: 01.06.2019.
Project end date: 31.05.2022.
Project implementation method: International Consortium
Consortium members:
- Seacon Europe (Hungary) (main partner)
- Beia Consult International (Romania)
- Wellness TechGroup (Spain)
International program: Eurostars 2 Cut-Off 10
Eurostars webpage: eurekanetwork.org
A projektre vonatkozó nemzeti alprogram: Közös EU-s kezdeményezésekbe való bekapcsolódás támogatása
International project ID: E!12889
National program: Közös EU-s kezdeményezésekbe való bekapcsolódás támogatása
National project ID: 2019-2.1.2-NEMZ-2019-00001
SWAM webpage: agile.ro/swam/
SWAM flyer: https://documentcloud.adobe.com
Short description: SWAM is a novel product for better environmental sustainability addressing a new water market integrating emerging technologies. SWAM will offer an innovative end-to-end solution from Smart Probe to Smart Visualization and by considering ground-breaking aspects: multi-protocol for IoT connectivity, cybersecurity and traceability by design to provide a valuable tool for water management encompassing quality monitoring, safe and security aspects, decision support and cost-efficiency management.
Our partner: WaterScope (Hungary)
- ENVIRONTEC Trade Exhibition
- GreenTech Days
- Horizon Europe Cluster 6 Online Brokerage Event
- Horizon Europe Brokerage Event for Cluster 5
- EU Techbridge Matchmaking
- Horizon Europe Brokerage Event for Cluster 6
- International Machinery Forum 2022
- WaterMatch 2022
- The WINNing Days 2022
- Yettel IOT Live Show 2022
- Yettel IOT Live Show 2022 event
- Sensor2Net and SWAM at the IFAT trade fair in Munich
- Water Industry 4.0 and the SWAM
- Horizon Europe Cluster 5 Event
- Hungarian businesses working together for water
- Ökoindustria Virtual Green Expo & B2B
- SWAM Eurostars International Proposal