Title: Development of field cultivation technology with plant conditioning
Project start date: 01.04.2022.
Project end date: 31.03.2025.
Project implementation method: Consortium
Consortium members:
- Mezőfalvai Plc (consortium leader) (https://www.facebook.com/Mezőfalvai-zrt) (http://invitel.hu/mefamgrt/)
- ELCOM Ltd (konzorciumi tag) (http://www.elcom.hu/index.php?m=&l=eng)
- Centre for Agricultural Research (consortium member) (http://www.atk.hu/en)
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics (konzorciumi tag) (https://www.bme.hu/?language=en)
- Eurofins Minerág Ltd (https://minerag.hu/)
- Seacon Europe Ltd (https://www.seacon.hu/en/)
- T-Markt Kereskedőház Ltd (https://www.tmarkt.hu/)
National program: GINOP Plusz-2.1.1-21
Short description:
The goal of the project is the development of a disruptive technology sprayer machine that, among other things, can deliver multiple sprays at the same time to the plants with a unique intensity for each spray material in such a way that the method and intensity of spraying is adapted to the current plants, weather and soil variables, and spray materials.
Precise operation is supported by databases designed to be built up by measurement experiments and calculation models, which also form the basis of analysis and control activities.
The basic expectation is to increase plant content values, with which the solution to be developed will help the efficiency of all field cultivation in the long term, make human and animal food healthier, and make plant cultivation more competitive.