Vehicle health and fraud detection for road transport
As a member of an international consortium, SEACON EUROPE successfully joined to the program „Az EUREKA programban való magyar részvétel támogatása (2018-2.1.3-EUREKA)” published by the NRDI Office.
As a member of an international consortium, SEACON EUROPE successfully joined to the program „Az EUREKA programban való magyar részvétel támogatása (2018-2.1.3-EUREKA)” published by the NRDI Office. The common project proposal called FLEETHEALTH, developed in cooperation with the Czech LEVEL sro, received fund both at EU level and in the two member states.
The overall goal of the two companies' joint developments is to realize an automated data collection that goes beyond the standard data collection with GPS tracking devices by collecting on-board information (error codes) from control units and / or additional sensors, complemented by official certificates and environmental characteristics. The result is used to exactly represent the condition and operation of the vehicle.
FLEETHEALTH: Vehicle health and fraud detection solution for the road traffic developing improved on board unit, communication device and specific fleet operation support or controlling software tool as cloud based back-office application.
FleetHealth projekt
Our extended intelligent fleet management solution envisions the concept of integrated, wireless or cable-based sensors, which adds more electronically collected and processed information to vehicle event detection, tracking and validation, enterprise information management supply. The solution is resulting reduced operating costs, more flexible capacities, positive effects on the "health" and fraudulent operation of the vehicle.
Improving the existing SEAFLEET product with integration of the LEVEL's novel developments to the EU level, using objective measurement results will allow users to make better decisions about fleet operation and vehicle usage. This improvement will be achieved through the development of two completely new system modules, namely the vehicle health and fraud detection.
The new modules will be available in the Seafleet fleet operation suport, fully integrated into the typical processes of corporate management.