The EUREKA Network application E!13370-MUSEION got the EUREKA Certificate which has been endorsed by the EUREKA High Level Group on 02.07.2021.
The concept of the project, which aims to protect cultural heritage using by modern technologies, was created by a consortium of Romanian, Turkish and Hungarian partners, who together plan to take into account the perspectives of museums, works of art and visitors.
The project will build on the earlier work carried out by BEIA, SEACON and SAMPAS that focused on technologies for monitoring of environmental parameters, data processing and vizualisation. By developing specific algorithms INCTDP-ICPI performs the research on mechanisms governing the environment-related deterioration processes of heritage materials and risk assessment of air pollution impacts on cultural heritage assets.
The implementation of the project started on 01.08.2021 and is planned to be completed by 31.07.2024.
Preservation of values and environmental changes
MUSEION enforces a holistic conception of the preservation and valorisation of CULTURAL HERITAGE. This approach is necessary to deal with the growing challenge of conservation, especially when most of the global heritage is threatened by the environmental changes. The main concern of cultural heritage professionals is a complex solution for the preservation and sustainable management of collections in addition to increased public service.
The MUSEION project will develop integrated solution for cultural heritage sustainable management of environmental control and adaptation to CLIMATE CHANGE as well as for resources optimisations: costs, energy and carbon footprint reduction.
MUSEION project specifically aims at developing a REPLICABLE IOT-BASED SOLUTION to monitor, evaluate and mitigate the potential impact of climate change on cultural heritage collections by addressing the need for applying knowledge and technology to solve problems of real objects in real conditions - namely sustainable environmental control and adaptation to climate change.
To ensure an optimised climate, it considers at least the 3 principal components of a museum system: the MUSEUM itself, the ARTWORKS and the VISITORS.
International collaboration
The project will build on the earlier work carried out by BEIA, SEACON and SAMPAS that focused on technologies for monitoring of environmental parameters, data processing and vizualisation. Developing specific algorithms INCTDP-ICPI performs the research through its ARCH Lab on mechanisms governing the environment-related deterioration processes of heritage materials and risk assessment of air pollution impacts on cultural heritage assets.
Expected international outcomes of the project:
- Develop the ability of professionals to adapt to the effects of climate change
- Enhances awareness on preventive conservation
- Strengthens long-term planned assessment actions
- Reduces the maintenance and restoration costs